Constitution Class with Michael Badnarik - noted Constitutional Scholar, former Libertarian presidential candidate and national speaker/lecturer
Saturday, December 4
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
location TBA (determined by class size)
Fee: $100 or 4 oz. of .999 fine silverFee includes a hardcover copy of Michael's book Good To Be King which WAS a $25 value before it went out of print (can command prices of up to $100 on Amazon). Michael will also autograph your book - making it the ultimate cconstitutional keepsake!
A minimum of 30 participants required to bring Mr. Badnarik to the Moscow/Pullman area. Click here to sign up.
Mr. Badnarik is a dynamic, well-spoken teacher, able to convey timeless constitutional principles in a concise and engaging way. While $100 is an investment, most people feel he undercharges for the caliber of instruction once they have completed the class.
So please don't let this opportunity pass; make a commitment to recapture the lost principles of self-governance which were entrusted to us by our Founding Fathers. Our Constitution has been under attack for decades while we've been busy raising our families and providing for our own. I am eager for December 4 to roll around so I can more fully understand what I was never given in school. Despite my commitment to learn and study the constitution, there are always pressing demands of life and family that crowd out the time. So I am setting aside December 4 to get 'er done!
Are there 25 more people with the same desire? Sign up today - the deadline for the 30 person minimum is Sunday, Nov. 14. Here's a challenge: tomorrow is Veterans' Day. Consider this class one of the best ways to remember and honor the men and women who understand that freedom isn't free. Knowledge is the most powerful tool we have in the fight for our liberties. Once gained, it can never be taken away. It is an effective defense and offense as we work to re-establish constitutional rule.
Let's light some fires!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Veterans' Day Program tomorrow (Thursday)
Hosted by Royal Garrison School
Thursday, November 11 · 11:00am - 12:00pm
Gladish Community Center Auditorium
NW 115 State Street
Pullman, WA
Guest speaker is Brigadier General Carleton B. “Barney” Waldrop, USAF (Ret)
You may recall reading his moving tribute on Memorial Day, 2010 which I posted after the Moscow observance. If not, here is a link to his remarks.
Suggested topics for future meetings
Brushfire Alliance is here to serve the people in our communities. Monthly or bi-weekly meetings will begin again in January, 2011.
If you have ideas for future topics to discuss, guest speakers to invite, or other ideas, please share them in the comments section below.
Or you can contact Karen or Paula at
Thanks for engaging in the battle for liberty!
If you have ideas for future topics to discuss, guest speakers to invite, or other ideas, please share them in the comments section below.
Or you can contact Karen or Paula at
Thanks for engaging in the battle for liberty!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Meeting Tuesday, June 22 at 6 pm (potluck)
Brushfire Alliance is pleased to announce that State Rep. Phil Hart will be
the guest speaker at our June 22nd Brushfire Meeting to be held at the Latah
County Fairgrounds in the kitchen meeting room.
There is a potluck at 6:00 and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
Please bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share, and
come hear the truth from the horse's mouth!
I want to see a big crowd of patriots here!
Also speaking will be Gary Brown, the founder and President of "Reach
America" - a constitution education outreach organization.
For more information please call: 208-301-2412.
Kind Regards,
Karen Calisterio & Paula Bauer
Brushfire Alliance
Below is a recent email received by Karen:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:44 PM
Subject: The Empire Strikes Back: The Persecution of Rep. Phil Hart by the
Media after he Helped to Defeat RINOs
Several weeks ago, against great odds, Constitutionalists scored
important victories across Northern Idaho, including taking over the
Kootenai County Republican Central Committee and the victory of underdog
conservative candidate Raul Labrador. You did not expect the Empire to
just sit back and lick its wounds did you? No, they struck back, and
struck back hard!
I wanted to make people aware of a horrible mischaracterization of Idaho
Representative Phil Hart's situation in the media. For those of you who
know Phil, he is a great proponent of Constitutional freedom and
liberty. This past election he helped to elect several constitutional
candidates over establishment RINOs such as the race between Vito
Barbieri and Duane Rasmussen. Well, I think it is reasonable to
speculate that the recent negative press regarding tax liens against
Phil is payback by those in the establishment which also are still
fuming about losing control of the Kootenai County Republican Central
Committee. What these stories are NOT reporting on is the complete and
total railroad job by the IRS.
I have spoken to Phil on the issue and here are the facts as I
understand them. As many of you know, Phil Hart did write a book
challenging the legality of the federal income tax system as now
administered and has also sponsored a bill to end the Idaho state income
tax (also explicitly prohibited by the Idaho state constitution which
limits taxation to property--which income is SPECIFICALLY NOT under
Idaho law). However, these tax liens are NOT from him not filing or
paying the taxes he really owes. Phil Hart voluntarily re-entered the
system as a filer, filed his past returns, and paid his tax
liabilities. However, the IRS wants revenge on anyone who stands up to
them, so what do they do -- they then instigate and audit of EIGHT years
of tax returns which lasted for FOUR years. In the process they tried
to get Phil to release the names and addresses of EVERY person who
bought one of his books, which he refused to do. Ultimately, they
would be like paying $100 for an item and selling it at a $125 price
retail, and pocketing a $25 and the IRS arbitrarily saying that the $100
costs do not count and the person owes taxes on the full $125! There
are multiple reports of the IRS maliciously doing this to many people
across the country, which SHOULD HAVE been the real story behind these
The IRS sent Phil a Notice of Deficiency while he was in legislative
session. Under the Constitution of Idaho, such a notice would be
invalid while the legislature was in session, a prerogative which Phil
told me the IRS has adhered to in the past when it was brought up. This
time, they just ignored it. As a result, Phil was unable to file a
timely notice of challenge of the unlawful assessment in Tax Court, and
he was completely RAILROADED through the system. After the expired
notice of deficiency went unchallenged the IRS was able to file the
liens which are in the press. By the way, the NOD process the IRS
commonly uses is in my opinion (and anyone else with common sense) a
complete and total rejection of due process and can be considered a bill
of pains and penalties (the personal property adjunct to a bill of
attainder) since it allows the seizure of property WITHOUT ANY JUDICIAL
ask for due process in a very limited amount of time, you DO NOT GET
IT! Did you think only the Soviet Union allowed people to be by default
declared guilty without a hearing -- well welcome to the USSA!
I would urge everyone here to get the word out far and wide that this is
not a story about a legislator who cheated on his taxes, it is the story
about how the American Gestapo, the IRS, will completely violate due
process to persecute anyone who stands up to the corrupt establishment.
It is even possible that there are those who are distributing this story
hoping to get Phil removed from office hoping to get a RINO appointed to
his position in the legislature given that the RINOs lost a lot of races
in northern Idaho that they probably felt entitled to. I would
encourage everyone to support Phil and spread the true story of what is
going on far and wide across Idaho. Also feel free to express your
opinion in this poll
the guest speaker at our June 22nd Brushfire Meeting to be held at the Latah
County Fairgrounds in the kitchen meeting room.
There is a potluck at 6:00 and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
Please bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share, and
come hear the truth from the horse's mouth!
I want to see a big crowd of patriots here!
Also speaking will be Gary Brown, the founder and President of "Reach
America" - a constitution education outreach organization.
For more information please call: 208-301-2412.
Kind Regards,
Karen Calisterio & Paula Bauer
Brushfire Alliance
Below is a recent email received by Karen:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:44 PM
Subject: The Empire Strikes Back: The Persecution of Rep. Phil Hart by the
Media after he Helped to Defeat RINOs
Several weeks ago, against great odds, Constitutionalists scored
important victories across Northern Idaho, including taking over the
Kootenai County Republican Central Committee and the victory of underdog
conservative candidate Raul Labrador. You did not expect the Empire to
just sit back and lick its wounds did you? No, they struck back, and
struck back hard!
I wanted to make people aware of a horrible mischaracterization of Idaho
Representative Phil Hart's situation in the media. For those of you who
know Phil, he is a great proponent of Constitutional freedom and
liberty. This past election he helped to elect several constitutional
candidates over establishment RINOs such as the race between Vito
Barbieri and Duane Rasmussen. Well, I think it is reasonable to
speculate that the recent negative press regarding tax liens against
Phil is payback by those in the establishment which also are still
fuming about losing control of the Kootenai County Republican Central
Committee. What these stories are NOT reporting on is the complete and
total railroad job by the IRS.
I have spoken to Phil on the issue and here are the facts as I
understand them. As many of you know, Phil Hart did write a book
challenging the legality of the federal income tax system as now
administered and has also sponsored a bill to end the Idaho state income
tax (also explicitly prohibited by the Idaho state constitution which
limits taxation to property--which income is SPECIFICALLY NOT under
Idaho law). However, these tax liens are NOT from him not filing or
paying the taxes he really owes. Phil Hart voluntarily re-entered the
system as a filer, filed his past returns, and paid his tax
liabilities. However, the IRS wants revenge on anyone who stands up to
them, so what do they do -- they then instigate and audit of EIGHT years
of tax returns which lasted for FOUR years. In the process they tried
to get Phil to release the names and addresses of EVERY person who
bought one of his books, which he refused to do. Ultimately, they
would be like paying $100 for an item and selling it at a $125 price
retail, and pocketing a $25 and the IRS arbitrarily saying that the $100
costs do not count and the person owes taxes on the full $125! There
are multiple reports of the IRS maliciously doing this to many people
across the country, which SHOULD HAVE been the real story behind these
The IRS sent Phil a Notice of Deficiency while he was in legislative
session. Under the Constitution of Idaho, such a notice would be
invalid while the legislature was in session, a prerogative which Phil
told me the IRS has adhered to in the past when it was brought up. This
time, they just ignored it. As a result, Phil was unable to file a
timely notice of challenge of the unlawful assessment in Tax Court, and
he was completely RAILROADED through the system. After the expired
notice of deficiency went unchallenged the IRS was able to file the
liens which are in the press. By the way, the NOD process the IRS
commonly uses is in my opinion (and anyone else with common sense) a
complete and total rejection of due process and can be considered a bill
of pains and penalties (the personal property adjunct to a bill of
attainder) since it allows the seizure of property WITHOUT ANY JUDICIAL
ask for due process in a very limited amount of time, you DO NOT GET
IT! Did you think only the Soviet Union allowed people to be by default
declared guilty without a hearing -- well welcome to the USSA!
I would urge everyone here to get the word out far and wide that this is
not a story about a legislator who cheated on his taxes, it is the story
about how the American Gestapo, the IRS, will completely violate due
process to persecute anyone who stands up to the corrupt establishment.
It is even possible that there are those who are distributing this story
hoping to get Phil removed from office hoping to get a RINO appointed to
his position in the legislature given that the RINOs lost a lot of races
in northern Idaho that they probably felt entitled to. I would
encourage everyone to support Phil and spread the true story of what is
going on far and wide across Idaho. Also feel free to express your
opinion in this poll
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Moving tribute to our fallen
My girls and I just returned from town after attending the Memorial Day Observance hosted by American Legion Post #6. I've been to services in the past with only 35-40 people taking the time to come and honor our fallen servicemen and women. But today the seats were filled with many standing around the room...I would guess there were 300 people in attendance, maybe more. The Moscow combined Jr/Sr. High Band did a beautiful job, playing a poignant tribute written in honor of a specific Marine unit, along with another medley of songs and the National Anthem.
But the keynote address by Brigadier General Waldrop (Ret.) was so moving and so inspirational that I begged him to send me a copy so I could post it here. My tissues were out more than once during his address. I hope our readers are likewise inspired and touched by his remarks to honor our fallen. At the very end of the post is a great youtube video about expressing gratitude to our servicemen and women. Please scroll down to watch it.
Moscow, Idaho, Monday, May 31, 2010
Brigadier General Carleton B. “Barney” Waldrop, USAF (Ret)
Thank you for the introduction and thanks to American Legion Post. No. 6 for hosting this Memorial Day ceremony, honoring those who have so bravely served our Nation.
I would particularly like to thank all of you for attending today and especially recognize the Veterans who are present. Please raise your hand if you are a WW-II Veteran ….. Korean War ….. Vietnam ….. Desert Storm ….. Operation Enduring Freedom ….. Iraq ….. Afghaniztan.
Thank you so much for your service to our country. It’s an honor for all of us to be here in the presence of you warriors who have done so much to secure our Freedom.
FREEDOM IS NOT FREE – Someone has to pay for it. We are gathered here today to honor those who have paid and made that ultimate sacrifice. And, we are here also to honor others still living who have served their country in times of war and in times of peace; and those who continue to serve.
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our Nation’s service. Although Waterloo, NY was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, this significant day had many different beginnings in separate locations in the North and in the South of our country before the end of the Civil War, as communities gathered to honor the many who had died in that conflict. There were over 600,000 American casualties in the War Between the States and Decoration Day, was officially first proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan in General Order No. 11. In 1971,
President Nixon declared that Memorial Day would be celebrated on the last Monday of May. Today is that day.
FREEDOM IS NOT FREE and Memorial Day is about a coming together to honor those who have given their all in sacrifice to secure that “Shining City on the Hill” - America - that City of Freedom as it is known. What is this FREEDOM of which we speak? Not only does it entail the Free Speech, Free Assembly and Free Press of which we are so familiar, but it also includes the Freedom of Americans to be secure in their homes and their persons. As George Washington said, “ We are a country of laws, not men,” and FREEDOM is about the Rule of Law, not about the fear, chaos and anarchy currently being experienced on our southern border that is slowly rolling northward like the sound of not so distant thunder.
And now more than ever it’s the Freedom to be Free from the excessive regulation of almost every aspect of our lives. The Freedom NOT to have political correctness prevail over the very security of our Home Land. The Freedom NOT to be burdened by a crushing national debt. The Freedom NOT to have a global governance imposed on our Nation by naïve, East Coast, Ivy League and European elites. Most of all, the Freedom NOT to have our visions, our strengths, and our hopes for the future extinguished and destroyed.
DUTY, HONOR, SOVEREIGNTY, JUSTICE in all things, TAXES paid by all of us for our needs – Not just by an unlucky minority of our population, Faith in GOD, Pride in our COUNTRY, FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY and living within one’s means, Security through STRENGTH – Not appeasement, PRIVATE ENTERPRISE – Not dubious social engineering experiments, FAMILIES with both a father and a mother, COMMON SENSE decision-making, AND that WONDERFUL SPIRIT OF AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM. These and HARD WORK are the traditional American values for which our heroes have died, whom we so humbly honor today.
In 1863, at the dedication of the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Cemetery for Civil War dead, Abraham Lincoln said:
…. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work (for) which they (the dead) who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of (their) devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
More recently, the Honorable Andrew P. Napolitano has stated: “In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its maximum hour of danger, and NOW is that time.” Right here, today.
Adding to Judge Napolitano’s words, now is also the time to remember the charge given us by the honored dead mentioned in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Those brave souls who gave their last full measure of devotion for this America – this new birth of Freedom.
ED FREEMAN of Boise is a Medal of Honor recipient. Ed is one of those rare
individuals who survived the action that resulted in his receipt of the Medal of Honor. He passed away in Boise, August two years ago (August 30, 2008) at the age of 80.
In 1965, Ed Freeman was a 37-year-old Huey helicopter pilot in Viet Nam. I’m going to tell you his story and what qualified Ed Freeman for the Medal of Honor because FREEDOM IS NOT FREE and many have done great things just so that we can be here in safety and Free association today.
Here’s how Ed Freeman earned his Medal of Honor as told by one of the soldiers he rescued: (Reported in the Fall 2008, “Rudder Flutter,” Idaho Div of Aeronautics)
“Many in our unit were critically wounded, dying in the jungle of Viet Nam; it’s at Landing Zone X-ray. It’s November 14, 1965 and our infantry unit is under intense enemy fire from a mere few hundred yards away. We are outnumbered eight to one and the fire is so intense that our own commander has ordered the Medivac helicopters to cease operations.”
“We’re lying there, listening to the incessant chatter of the enemy machine guns; we know we’re not getting out. Eighteen, 19 years old, and our families are 12,000 miles away on another continent, in another world, on another planet. We will never see them again.” (Or so we think.)
Slowly, as consciousness begins to fade, we hear the faint sound of a helicopter, or is it just the distortion of the machine guns caused by (our) pain and resignation (of death)? In the haze that has wrapped itself around (our) minds, (We) can make out the image of a Huey; surreal in (our) thoughts because it has no Medivac markings. In its semiconscious fog, (our) minds struggle between hope and the despair that tells (us) the Medivac helicopters were ordered to stand down.”
But hope prevails. It is Ed Freeman and he’s coming for us. No, he’s not a Medivac and (No) it is not his job, but he is coming anyway. He is flying his Huey directly into the smothering machine gun fire even after the Medivac helicopters were ordered not to come.
Ed drops it in and sits there amidst the withering gunfire as they load two or three of us on board. Then he flies up and away, out of the hail of bullets, to the waiting doctors and nurses.
And, he comes back again and again and again. Ed keeps on coming back ….. 14 times he comes back …… and moves about 30 wounded soldiers to safety, who otherwise would never have made it, while at the same time bringing in badly needed ammunition and supplies to the besieged infantry unit.
FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. May we never forget the valor, selfless dedication and sense of duty that Ed Freeman displayed on that day in 1965 in another war, and may we remember that those same traits reside in each of our military members serving us in far away lands throughout the world, in combat and in peace. May we never forget our commitment and responsibility to them for their service. May we never forget those who have died … those who have served … and those who are serving, those like Ed Freeman. Because you see, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.”
Over our history, many outstanding leaders have had unusual, visionary experiences. One such person is General George Washington who was indeed a visionary of our new America.
The first great peril in the vision was the Revolutionary War in which General Washington was then involved. The second great peril was the Civil War, which would not take place for yet another 100 years after General Washington was long dead.
General Washington also saw all of America in this vision and beheld villages, towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them. This too was something that would not happen for many, many years as most of the land west of Pittsburgh at that time was still wilderness.
The third of these great perils, if General Washington’s vision is to be believed, is yet to come. It will be America’s greatest challenge, because you see, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, and there are those who have a burning hatred for America; this Christian nation; this Shining City of Freedom on the Hill”.
Dr. William J. Bennett in his book, AMERICA, THE LAST BEST HOPE, states: “We cannot escape our destiny, nor should we try to do so. The leadership of the free world was thrust upon (America) two centuries ago in that little hall (in) Philadelphia" …. Dr. Bennett then goes on to quote a statement made by Pope Pius XII who said, ‘The American people have a great genius for splendid and unselfish actions. (and) Into the hands of America, God has placed the destinies of an afflicted mankind.’
We (Americans) are indeed, (as Pope Pius has stated), the last best hope of man on earth.” And we can be very proud of this responsibility - this destiny – this fight for Freedom
And, there is something very special about destiny, too. You don’t have to look for your destiny, because it will find you. BUT, you do have to prepare.
In closing, I know that many of you have heard of the poem, “In Flanders Fields,” which was written in 1915 by John McCrae. The poem title refers to Flanders Field American Cemetery & Memorial; a resting place for those lost on the WW-I battlefields of the medieval County of Flanders in Europe, which spans southern Belgium and northwest France.
This poem reads in part:
“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly …..
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.”
Inspired by this poem, a woman by the name of Moina Michael responded in the same year with her own, even more poignant, verse:
“We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.”
THANK YOU for being here today, and May God richly bless each and every one of you - AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE – Someone has paid for it, and those who have paid are the ones we honor here today. Let us ensure that the red blood of these brave heroes never dies. They have left us with a sacred trust.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Upcoming meeting: June 8th - location TBA
Kudos to Brushfire folks and all who engaged in the political process! District 6 voter turnout went from 11.53% in the last primary (a presidential election year!) to 24.37% in an off-year primary. Our goal was to increase voter this can be chalked up as a win regardless of how individual candidates did!
Princeton, Troy and Deary ran out of ballots and needed more sent out. (Not to worry, no one was turned away and everyone had opportunity to cast a vote.)
Way to make a difference, folks!
Karen is back from the campaign trail and will be with us again - hurray! She'll have lots to share about the political process state-wide.
Besides discussing the recent elections, we have two special presentations lined up:
for liberty,
Paula B. / Karen C.
Princeton, Troy and Deary ran out of ballots and needed more sent out. (Not to worry, no one was turned away and everyone had opportunity to cast a vote.)
Way to make a difference, folks!
Karen is back from the campaign trail and will be with us again - hurray! She'll have lots to share about the political process state-wide.
Besides discussing the recent elections, we have two special presentations lined up:
- Ken Hunt (Lt. Colonel retired) - sharing about Warrior's Promise, a non-profit support organization for our men and women in uniform.
- Representatives from local radio stations - to discuss the "Fairness Doctrine" and the impact it will have on first amendment freedoms.
for liberty,
Paula B. / Karen C.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Get Involved!
This is the final weekend before the primaries.
We have a number of liberty-minded candidates running for office in Latah County.
Invest a little time into your candidate's campaign...I know they will appreciate your support and help!
Any candidates needing a hand, feel free to leave a post in the comment section giving details.
We have a number of liberty-minded candidates running for office in Latah County.
Invest a little time into your candidate's campaign...I know they will appreciate your support and help!
Any candidates needing a hand, feel free to leave a post in the comment section giving details.
Senator Schroeder's voting record
Thanks to member Beth McManus who did some research to find out the incumbent's voting record on the following bills. Get informed and vote smart!
Gary J. Schroeder’s Partial Voting Record:
* S 1337 2/28/06 - Controlled Substance Relation to Pregnant Woman and Child Bill. Vote to pass bill makes it a felony for an individual to inject a controlled substance into a Pregnant woman. For a Pregnant woman to knowingly take a controlled substance and for an individual to allow or cause a child under 18, including fetuses and embryos, to ingest a controlled substance...
* S 1082 - Parental Consent for Underage Abortion. This bill allows for Minors (women under the age of 18) to get consent for having an abortion.
* H 374 - Allowing diversion of Funds to Virtual Education. This bill allows state funding for Virtual Education and Charter Schools.
* HJR2 2/15/06 - Marriage Amendment Ballet Question. Intent is to protect marriage as being only between a man and a woman.
*3/7/07 - English as the Official Language in Idaho.
Voting information was obtained from
Gary J. Schroeder’s Partial Voting Record:
* S 1337 2/28/06 - Controlled Substance Relation to Pregnant Woman and Child Bill. Vote to pass bill makes it a felony for an individual to inject a controlled substance into a Pregnant woman. For a Pregnant woman to knowingly take a controlled substance and for an individual to allow or cause a child under 18, including fetuses and embryos, to ingest a controlled substance...
Gary Schroeder voted “NO”.
* S 1082 - Parental Consent for Underage Abortion. This bill allows for Minors (women under the age of 18) to get consent for having an abortion.
Gary Schroeder voted “NO”.
*S 1353 2/26/10 - Authorizing Health Care Professionals to Refuse Specific Health Care Services. This bill is to protect health care professionals or their employers from being forced to provide any health care service that violated his or her conscience and to protect them from being civilly, criminally or adminislatively liable for declining to provide such services that violate his or her conscience, including abortion, abortifacient administration and stem cell research on embryo’s and fetuses.
Gary Schroeder voted “NO”.
* H 374 - Allowing diversion of Funds to Virtual Education. This bill allows state funding for Virtual Education and Charter Schools.
Gary Schroeder voted “NO”.
* HJR2 2/15/06 - Marriage Amendment Ballet Question. Intent is to protect marriage as being only between a man and a woman.
Gary Schroeder voted “NO”.
*3/7/07 - English as the Official Language in Idaho.
Gary Schroeder voted “NO”.
Voting information was obtained from
Vote smart!
Beth L. McManus
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dinner for Gresham Bouma Tonight!
Dinner and Auction
for Gresham Bouma
Idaho State Senate
6 pm at Troy Lions' Club
Main Street, Troy Idaho
Monday, May 10th
$15 per plate (suggested donation)
Keynote address and Q & A time
Live Auction by Ray Lienhart (thanks, Ray!), music, and special guest speakers:
Dave McGraw
Latah County Commission candidates
'Jimmy G' Gilder
Isaac 'Ike' Young
District 6B Representative candidates
Dave Klingenberg
Great auction items like certificates for carpet cleaning, backhoe services, framed art and much more!
Contact Robyn at 301-1095 about tickets or to RSVP.
See you tonight for a fun and informative evening. Bring your friends and let's stand up and raise our voices in support of Gresham.
(photos courtesy of Peter Roise )
paid for by Gresham Bouma for Idaho Senate - Carol Bauer, Treasurer
paid for by Gresham Bouma for Idaho Senate - Carol Bauer, Treasurer
Friday, May 7, 2010
Brushfire Alliance meeting, Tuesday May 11 7 pm at Latah Fairgrounds
Brushfire Alliance meets on May 11 at 7 pm at the Latah County Fairgrounds - same location as last meeting. Feel free to bring snacks. I'll make sure there's hot water for tea (of course we prefer TEA, but there'll be coffee singles available, too :-) One of the things that needs discussing is a meeting schedule after the May 25th primary. I am willing to travel and hold a meeting every week (AFTER the primary!) in different areas of the county. Maybe a joint monthly meeting at a central location with special guest speakers once a month, and 3 outlying areas host a meeting the other 3 weeks? I am eager to hear your thoughts on this as Brushfire continues to grow and gather momentum. Speaking of momentum: The Bouma campaign needs feet on the ground to help with neighborhood canvassing on Saturdays. I am sure Ike Young, David Klingenberg, Dave McGraw, Jimmy Gilder, Raul Labrador, Todd Hatfield, and all our other conservative, liberty-minded candidates would also welcome your help and participation. Please visit their websites, facebook pages, and blogs to get current info on how they need help and how to contact them. ( If the candidates would send me links, I would be happy to post them on the Brushfire blog.) Canvassing start times (2 shifts): 8 am in Potlatch (meet at the Scenic 6 park) and 1 pm 8:30 am in Moscow (meet at Rosauer's parking lot) and 1:30 pm 9 am in Troy (meet at park across from the Sunset Mart) and 2:00 pm I know this is short notice on canvassing...I just got home from the 10th Amendment Rally and am scrambling. Also, there is a fundraising dinner / auction for Gresham Bouma. Other local candidates have been invited to speak as well in order to give Latah voters as many chances as possible to meet these candidates and become informed voters. The dinner is at the Troy Lions' Club and starts at 6 pm. Food will be served from 6 - 7 pm, with auction items and speakers throughout the evening. Tickets ($15 suggested donation) are available from Robyn 208-301-1095. We'll see everyone at the meeting on Tuesday. We have a special presentation by the area history buff, Keith Lunders, some information presented by a group in Deary, and I am hoping to have a short presentation on "Fully Informed Jury Association," but that may have to wait until June. Thanks everyone for your continued interest and participation in civil matters. You all are a huge source of encouragement and hope to me. In Liberty, Paula Bauer (on behalf of Karen Calisterio also) Brushfire Alliance
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Promised links
What a great meeting last night! Was glad to see the new faces and want to extend a warm welcome to our neighbors attending from Troy, Deary, Julietta, and Genesee. With all the interaction from attendees, the time really zoomed by! It is exciting to see people engaging with the issues and prepared to share from their knowledge, so thanks to all of you who spoke up.
Special thanks to those who helped present material last night: Larry Cernik, Gresham Bouma, Janey Wineinger, and Robyn Giovanetti.
If you have a particular issue you would like to address or discuss, please let me know and we'll get it scheduled into a future meeting. Our next meeting is May 11, 7 pm. Venue details are still being finalized, so stay tuned! Reach out to your liberty-minded friends and neighbors and invite them to come with you.
For the folks from Troy -- don't forget about the school board community input opportunity and barbecue from 5-9 on Friday, 4/30. It all happens at the Bus Garage on Main Street.
As promised, here are a few links and a text file of the press release from Chadwick that I read last night.
Larry Cernik hooked us with history and reeled us in. Here is the link for those wanting to further explore the Appleseed Project. Visit here for more info. Sign up quickly for the upcoming shoot in Lapwai, as these shoots can fill up pretty fast! Thanks again, Larry. I've also included a short photo essay of a recent shoot, created by Larry's daughter. Enjoy!
I mentioned the blog called Right Mind. Check it out for local and state news.
And below is the press release from Michael Chadwick announcing his withdrawal from Legislative District 1 race for US Representative (Walt Minnick's seat).
Michael Chadwick Withdraws from Race for U. S. Congress In 2010 and Enters Race for U.S. Senate in 2014
- Endorses Raul Labrador
- Announces Campaign for U.S. Senate in Idaho in 2014
“Powerful special interests groups in New York City and Washington, D.C. are attempting to disenfranchise the voters in Idaho’s First Congressional District by placing a candidate or surrogate in office that will support their private corporate interests. These groups with the aid of U.S. Senator John McCain, former Governor Dirk Kempthorne and a host of prominent neo-conservatives are seeking to deceive the voters in Idaho into selecting a young Washington, D.C. insider as their new representative. These groups are attempting to stage a political coup in Idaho with the aid of the media and national and state GOP leaders.”
“Vaughn Ward is a stealth candidate – a manufactured candidate – a neo-conservative in the tradition of John McCain. He is not a true conservative. He is attempting to deceive the people of Idaho with slick TV ads and misleading rhetoric. Ward has been selected by elite special interests in New York and Washington, D.C. to serve as their surrogate in the U.S. Congress. We must not allow the elite in America to choose elected representatives of Idaho or elsewhere. Ward’s accomplishments in the military and the CIA have been embellished and are based upon statements by those who seek to place him in power.”
“A monumental battle is being waged in Idaho between the forces of Wall Street who are aligned with powerful special interest and lobbying organizations in Washington, D.C. and the grass roots voters of Idaho. The elite in New York City and Washington, D.C. are working diligently to place Vaughn Ward in office and they will succeed unless the grass roots rise up and support Raul Labrador.”
“It is time for the voters of Idaho to unite behind, support and elect Raul Labrador as the next U.S. Congressman from Idaho. He is a true conservative in the tradition of Ronald Reagan. He has a proven track record of legislative accomplishments in the Idaho State Legislature. He co-sponsored the Idaho Health Freedom Act and is a real leader with proven credentials. He will represent the views of the common man, not the elite in Washington, D.C. He will put Main Street ahead of Wall Street and seek to restore the principles of state sovereignty and personal liberty.”
“We do not want a repeat of the 2006 congressional race where one candidate won the primary election with less than 26 percent of the votes. Therefore, I am withdrawing from the race for U.S. Congress in Idaho’s First congressional District effective today.
“I am proud to endorse Raul Labrador for U.S. Congress and I encourage the good and honorable people of Idaho to elect him as the next U.S. Congressman from Idaho.”
Effective immediately, Michael L. Chadwick will be a candidate for the office of U.S. Senator from the State of Idaho in 2014. The campaign headquarters of Chadwick for Senate will be located in Post Falls, Idaho. The campaign will be launched on June 1, 2010.
Special thanks to those who helped present material last night: Larry Cernik, Gresham Bouma, Janey Wineinger, and Robyn Giovanetti.
If you have a particular issue you would like to address or discuss, please let me know and we'll get it scheduled into a future meeting. Our next meeting is May 11, 7 pm. Venue details are still being finalized, so stay tuned! Reach out to your liberty-minded friends and neighbors and invite them to come with you.
For the folks from Troy -- don't forget about the school board community input opportunity and barbecue from 5-9 on Friday, 4/30. It all happens at the Bus Garage on Main Street.
As promised, here are a few links and a text file of the press release from Chadwick that I read last night.
Larry Cernik hooked us with history and reeled us in. Here is the link for those wanting to further explore the Appleseed Project. Visit here for more info. Sign up quickly for the upcoming shoot in Lapwai, as these shoots can fill up pretty fast! Thanks again, Larry. I've also included a short photo essay of a recent shoot, created by Larry's daughter. Enjoy!
I mentioned the blog called Right Mind. Check it out for local and state news.
And below is the press release from Michael Chadwick announcing his withdrawal from Legislative District 1 race for US Representative (Walt Minnick's seat).
Michael Chadwick Withdraws from Race for U. S. Congress In 2010 and Enters Race for U.S. Senate in 2014
- Endorses Raul Labrador
- Announces Campaign for U.S. Senate in Idaho in 2014
Statement by Michael L. Chadwick
April 24, 2010
“Powerful special interests groups in New York City and Washington, D.C. are attempting to disenfranchise the voters in Idaho’s First Congressional District by placing a candidate or surrogate in office that will support their private corporate interests. These groups with the aid of U.S. Senator John McCain, former Governor Dirk Kempthorne and a host of prominent neo-conservatives are seeking to deceive the voters in Idaho into selecting a young Washington, D.C. insider as their new representative. These groups are attempting to stage a political coup in Idaho with the aid of the media and national and state GOP leaders.”
“Vaughn Ward is a stealth candidate – a manufactured candidate – a neo-conservative in the tradition of John McCain. He is not a true conservative. He is attempting to deceive the people of Idaho with slick TV ads and misleading rhetoric. Ward has been selected by elite special interests in New York and Washington, D.C. to serve as their surrogate in the U.S. Congress. We must not allow the elite in America to choose elected representatives of Idaho or elsewhere. Ward’s accomplishments in the military and the CIA have been embellished and are based upon statements by those who seek to place him in power.”
“A monumental battle is being waged in Idaho between the forces of Wall Street who are aligned with powerful special interest and lobbying organizations in Washington, D.C. and the grass roots voters of Idaho. The elite in New York City and Washington, D.C. are working diligently to place Vaughn Ward in office and they will succeed unless the grass roots rise up and support Raul Labrador.”
“It is time for the voters of Idaho to unite behind, support and elect Raul Labrador as the next U.S. Congressman from Idaho. He is a true conservative in the tradition of Ronald Reagan. He has a proven track record of legislative accomplishments in the Idaho State Legislature. He co-sponsored the Idaho Health Freedom Act and is a real leader with proven credentials. He will represent the views of the common man, not the elite in Washington, D.C. He will put Main Street ahead of Wall Street and seek to restore the principles of state sovereignty and personal liberty.”
“We do not want a repeat of the 2006 congressional race where one candidate won the primary election with less than 26 percent of the votes. Therefore, I am withdrawing from the race for U.S. Congress in Idaho’s First congressional District effective today.
“I am proud to endorse Raul Labrador for U.S. Congress and I encourage the good and honorable people of Idaho to elect him as the next U.S. Congressman from Idaho.”
Michael L. Chadwick Announces Candidacy for U.S. Senate in 2014
Effective immediately, Michael L. Chadwick will be a candidate for the office of U.S. Senator from the State of Idaho in 2014. The campaign headquarters of Chadwick for Senate will be located in Post Falls, Idaho. The campaign will be launched on June 1, 2010.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Who Told the Truth?
Found this on the Republican Senate website.
Who Told The Truth On Health Care? |
SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): “Bottom Line, On The Health Care Bill, We Allowed Too Many Lies To Get Out There Without Rebuttal, Because We Thought They Were So Obviously Untrue. But We've Learned Our Lesson.” (Sen. Schumer, Press Conference, 4/22/10) • “The Overhaul Will Increase National Health Care Spending By $311 Billion From 2010-2019.” “The report found that the president's law missed the mark, although not by much. The overhaul will increase national health care spending by $311 billion from 2010-2019, or nine-tenths of 1 percent.” (“Report Says Health Care Will Cover More, Cost More,” The Associated Press, 4/23/10) MEDICARE CHIEF ACTUARY RICK FOSTER: “During 2010-2019, However, These [Cost Control] Effects Would Be Outweighed By The Increased Costs Associated With The Expansions Of Health Insurance Coverage.” (“Report Says Health Care Will Cover More, Cost More,” The Associated Press, 4/23/10) • “Once The Law Is Fully Implemented In 2019, The JCT Estimates The Deduction Limitation Will Affect 14.8 Million Taxpayers -- 14.7 Million Of Them Will Earn Less Than $200,000 A Year.” (“Healthcare Law Socks Middle Class With A $3.9 Billion Tax Increase,” The Hill, 4/12/10) “Nearly 4 Million Americans - The Vast Majority Of Them Middle Class - Will Have To Pay The New Penalty For Not Getting Health Insurance When President Barack Obama's Health Care Overhaul Law Kicks In, according to congressional estimates released Thursday. The penalties will average a little more than $1,000 apiece in 2016, the Congressional Budget Office said in a report. Most of the people paying the fine will be middle class.” (“Nearly 4M To Pay Health Insurance Penalty By 2016,” The Associated Press, 4/22/10) “Fearing That Health Insurance Premiums May Shoot Up In The Next Few Years, Senate Democrats Laid A Foundation On Tuesday For Federal Regulation Of Rates, Four Weeks After President Obama Signed A Law Intended To Rein In Soaring Health Costs.” (“Senate Bill Sets A Plan To Regulate Premiums,” The New York Times, 4/21/10) “New York’s Insurance Sysem Has Been A Working Laboratory For The Core Provision Of The New Federal Health Care Law … Premiums For Individual And Small Group Policies Have Risen So High That State Officials And Patients’ Advocates Say That New York’s Extensive Insurance Safety Net … Is Falling Apart.” “New York’s insurance system has been a working laboratory for the core provision of the new federal health care law — insurance even for those who are already sick and facing huge medical bills — and an expensive lesson in unplanned consequences. Premiums for individual and small group policies have risen so high that state officials and patients’ advocates say that New York’s extensive insurance safety net for people like Ms. Welles is falling apart.” (“New York Offers Costly Lessons On Insurance,” The New York Times, 4/18/10) “A Dire Warning From Bay State Medical-Device Companies That A New Sales Tax In The Federal Health-Care Law Could Force Their Plants - And Thousands Of Jobs - Out Of The Country Has Rattled Gov. Deval Patrick, a staunch backer of the law and pal President Obama.” (“Beware The ‘Jobs Killer’,” Boston Herald, 3/25/10) “AT&T Inc. Will Take A $1 Billion Non-Cash Charge In The First Quarter Because Of The Health Care Overhaul And May Cut Benefits It Offers To Current And Retired Workers.” (“AT&T Will Take $1B Non-Cash Charge For Health Care,” The Associated Press, 3/26/10) “Salon Owners Predict Tanners Will Cut Back On Services. As A Result Salons Fear They Will Be Forced To Lay Off Employees.” (“Tanning Salons Feel Burn By Tanning Tax,” WNDU-NBC [South Bend, IN], 3/26/10) ### SENATE REPUBLICAN COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ------------------ so......who do YOU think misrepresented the case to the American people?? Does it make you mad? Get involved! Meeting at 7 pm at the Latah Fair Grounds on Tuesday Night. |
Friday, April 23, 2010
10th Amendment Rally
Click on the picture to find out when and where the 10th Amendment Rally will be closest to your town!
The Rally comes to Moscow on Friday, May 7th at 5:30 pm - East City Park.
Be there!
Shut Up
Andrew Klavan is a master of satire. This video was recorded in 4/09 - before the first major nationwide Tea Party. about you? Are you going to allow those who scorn liberty and hold it in derision, or are actively working to rob Americans of their liberties, to silence your voice?
Wanna make a difference? Come to our meeting on Tuesday, 4/27 7 pm at the 4-H Bldg. at Latah County Fairgrounds.
I leave you with another taste of Andrew Klavan: about you? Are you going to allow those who scorn liberty and hold it in derision, or are actively working to rob Americans of their liberties, to silence your voice?
Wanna make a difference? Come to our meeting on Tuesday, 4/27 7 pm at the 4-H Bldg. at Latah County Fairgrounds.
I leave you with another taste of Andrew Klavan:
Meeting Tuesday, April 27th 7pm
Brushfire Alliance Meeting
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7 pm
Middle Room of the 4-H Building
Latah County Fairgrounds
We will be covering several important state and national issues, as well as ways you can get involved to make a difference. There will be a table with candidate campaign information, as well as voter registration.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All school districts in Latah County, except Moscow and Genesee, have school elections on May 18th. If you live in one of those areas and are not registered to vote by today (April 23) at 5pm, you can only register at the school election polling place on May 18th. Bring your photo ID and proof of residence (30 days) which could be a utility bill, a personal letter addressed to you, etc. You will be registered and then may cast your vote at the polling place at that time and will also be registered to vote in the May 25th primary.
Those in Moscow or Genesee may register to vote until April 30. After that cut off date, you will need to bring photo ID and proof of residence to the polling place on May 25th to register and vote.
Grab a few liberty-minded friends and join us Tuesday night.
Let's get out there and light some fires!
In Liberty,
Paula Bauer / Karen Calisterio
Brushfire Alliance
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7 pm
Middle Room of the 4-H Building
Latah County Fairgrounds
We will be covering several important state and national issues, as well as ways you can get involved to make a difference. There will be a table with candidate campaign information, as well as voter registration.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All school districts in Latah County, except Moscow and Genesee, have school elections on May 18th. If you live in one of those areas and are not registered to vote by today (April 23) at 5pm, you can only register at the school election polling place on May 18th. Bring your photo ID and proof of residence (30 days) which could be a utility bill, a personal letter addressed to you, etc. You will be registered and then may cast your vote at the polling place at that time and will also be registered to vote in the May 25th primary.
Those in Moscow or Genesee may register to vote until April 30. After that cut off date, you will need to bring photo ID and proof of residence to the polling place on May 25th to register and vote.
Grab a few liberty-minded friends and join us Tuesday night.
Let's get out there and light some fires!
In Liberty,
Paula Bauer / Karen Calisterio
Brushfire Alliance
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Rammell videos on youtube
It's election year. Lots of politicians sound conservative.
Rex Rammell - Idaho's True Conservative choice for Governor.
Rex Rammell - Idaho's True Conservative choice for Governor.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Be Heard...Be Involved!
Hello Brushfire Patriots!
A couple of upcoming events to get on your won't want to miss these!
Next Brushfire Meeting
Tuesday April 13 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Eastside Marketplace, Moscow
Sign-making Open House
Brushfire Alliance is hosting a sign-making party for the upcoming Tax Day TEA Party / Liberty Rally.
We will have sign-making stuff at the Eastside Marketplace concourse (the mall east of Moscow by Safeway)
If you have large markers, paints (acrylic, tempra or poster paint) brushes or wooden stakes to contribute, go ahead and bring them along. Poster paper will be available or you can bring your own.
There are plenty of ways to help besides writing on signs, so don't let the lack of letter-painting skills keep you away!
Bring friends...everyone is welcome to help make a sign, enjoy coffee, spiced cider and a cookie while we work and visit. Kids are welcome (there's a nice little play area for youngsters at the mall). If you have to make a sign and run, we understand....git 'er done and then jet!
We had a lot of fun at this pre-rally sign party last year...come experience it first-hand!
(If you would like to bring a plate of cookies to share or a bottle of cider, we would welcome the help)
Please help spread the word that we won't be at our usual meeting venue at Potlatch City Hall Conference Room.
Thursday, April 15 (Tax Day!) 5:30 - 8:00 pm
Friendship Square in Moscow, hosted by Palouse Liberty Project
Last year there were over 300 people at the Tax Day Rally - the biggest grassroots rally this area has seen! It would be great to DOUBLE that number, so grab some friends, make a sign (or come Tues 4/13 to the sign-making party above) and lend your voice to this groundswell of citizens raising their concerns about the direction our country is headed. (Please keep your signs family-friendly, as many people bring their children)
10th Amendment Rally
Friday, May 7, 2010
East City Park
5 pm - 8 pm
(BBQ vendor will be available at the park)
Gresham Bouma ( ) the liberty-minded, constitutional, conservative Republican candidate for District 6 Idaho State Senate (running against long-time incumbent Gary Schroeder) has been invited to speak at both events. Come out and voice your support for Gresham, for limited government, for fiscal sanity...for liberty!
If you would like to be added to our notification list, send me an email at and put "add to contacts" in the subject line.
We recently switched service providers from If you have our old email address in your contacts, will you please update it now? is the correct address. ( is only used to email meeting notices.)
Folks, Brushfire Alliance is making waves within Latah County and is being talked about across the state...all the way down to the power players in Boise! People around the state have their eye on District 6. Now is the time to get involved and join in...we CAN make a difference....we ARE making a difference already!
In Liberty,
Paula Bauer & Karen Calisterio
Brushfire Alliance
A couple of upcoming events to get on your won't want to miss these!
Next Brushfire Meeting
Tuesday April 13 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Eastside Marketplace, Moscow
Sign-making Open House
Brushfire Alliance is hosting a sign-making party for the upcoming Tax Day TEA Party / Liberty Rally.
We will have sign-making stuff at the Eastside Marketplace concourse (the mall east of Moscow by Safeway)
If you have large markers, paints (acrylic, tempra or poster paint) brushes or wooden stakes to contribute, go ahead and bring them along. Poster paper will be available or you can bring your own.
There are plenty of ways to help besides writing on signs, so don't let the lack of letter-painting skills keep you away!
Bring friends...everyone is welcome to help make a sign, enjoy coffee, spiced cider and a cookie while we work and visit. Kids are welcome (there's a nice little play area for youngsters at the mall). If you have to make a sign and run, we understand....git 'er done and then jet!
We had a lot of fun at this pre-rally sign party last year...come experience it first-hand!
(If you would like to bring a plate of cookies to share or a bottle of cider, we would welcome the help)
Please help spread the word that we won't be at our usual meeting venue at Potlatch City Hall Conference Room.
Thursday, April 15 (Tax Day!) 5:30 - 8:00 pm
Friendship Square in Moscow, hosted by Palouse Liberty Project
Last year there were over 300 people at the Tax Day Rally - the biggest grassroots rally this area has seen! It would be great to DOUBLE that number, so grab some friends, make a sign (or come Tues 4/13 to the sign-making party above) and lend your voice to this groundswell of citizens raising their concerns about the direction our country is headed. (Please keep your signs family-friendly, as many people bring their children)
10th Amendment Rally
Friday, May 7, 2010
East City Park
5 pm - 8 pm
(BBQ vendor will be available at the park)
Gresham Bouma ( ) the liberty-minded, constitutional, conservative Republican candidate for District 6 Idaho State Senate (running against long-time incumbent Gary Schroeder) has been invited to speak at both events. Come out and voice your support for Gresham, for limited government, for fiscal sanity...for liberty!
Gresham Bouma for Idaho Senate - Carol Bauer, Treasurer
If you would like to be added to our notification list, send me an email at and put "add to contacts" in the subject line.
We recently switched service providers from If you have our old email address in your contacts, will you please update it now? is the correct address. ( is only used to email meeting notices.)
- Our current meeting schedule is the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. If there is another evening besides Tuesday that will work better for people's busy schedules, will you please let me know? Wednesday & Sunday evenings are out, but we could hold meetings any other day of the week. Sound off and let me know what would work best for you! And if there are area communities who would like to meet closer to home, gather a group of like-minded neighbors and I'll be happy to come hold a meeting in your area on our off (1st and 3rd) weeks of the month.
Folks, Brushfire Alliance is making waves within Latah County and is being talked about across the state...all the way down to the power players in Boise! People around the state have their eye on District 6. Now is the time to get involved and join in...we CAN make a difference....we ARE making a difference already!
In Liberty,
Paula Bauer & Karen Calisterio
Brushfire Alliance
Monday, April 5, 2010
Open House FUNDRAISER for Gresham Bouma
Barry & Linda Tenney and Rick & Karen Potter
cordially invite supporters to attend an
Open House Fundraiser
Friday, April 9 6 - 8 pm
307 N. Monroe Street
Moscow, Idaho
Gresham will speak at 7 pm followed by Q&As
This is the first fund raising effort for the Bouma campaign. We need this principled candidate in Boise. Campaigns cost money, and Gresham's “war chest” needs to be filled!
Though counseled otherwise, Gresham is not aggressively courting big donations from major PAC's and lobbiests. He earnestly desires the backing of his constituents in District 6 and would rather have 100 $10 donations from his voters than a single $1000 donation from a “power-player” outside our district. Let's show him how grateful we are for his strong commitment to listen to and serve the people of Latah County!
Let's hit Gresham with a double blessing on May 9 and send him a money bomb! Spread the word and donate here:
If 10-15 people could provide a large platter of appetizers or finger food for the event, it would be a huge help! Please contact one of the names below if you would like to assist:
- Linda Tenney (hostess) – via Facebook or email:
- Paula Bauer (campaign manager) 882-4945 / 208-596-8725 or
If you are unable to attend, would you please demonstrate your support with an on-line donation?
Gresham Bouma for Idaho Senate - Carol Bauer, Treasurer
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Brushfire Alliance Meeting on Tues, April 6
Brushfire Alliance is meeting Tues, April 6 at 7pm
Location: Potlatch City Hall Conference Room

We are excited to have Gresham Bouma as our keynote speaker.
Gresham, family man and a small businessman/contractor from Viola, is challenging long-time incumbent Gary Schroeder in the Republican primary on May 25, in order to represent the people of District 6.
This is a great opportunity for community members to ask questions and find out where Gresham stands on the issues facing Latah County and Idaho.
You can see Gresham's website here:
We encourage you to bring friends and bring your questions so you can make an informed choice on May 25th.
In Liberty,
Paula Bauer
Location: Potlatch City Hall Conference Room

We are excited to have Gresham Bouma as our keynote speaker.
Gresham, family man and a small businessman/contractor from Viola, is challenging long-time incumbent Gary Schroeder in the Republican primary on May 25, in order to represent the people of District 6.
This is a great opportunity for community members to ask questions and find out where Gresham stands on the issues facing Latah County and Idaho.
You can see Gresham's website here:
We encourage you to bring friends and bring your questions so you can make an informed choice on May 25th.
In Liberty,
Paula Bauer
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Is CO2 by humans REALLY the problem?
Remember how our current governor, Butch Otter, punched the panic button in May 2007 to declare 'greenhouse gases' from humans to be such a threat to the world?
Watch this informative video for, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story"
Can Idaho afford to re-elect a man who is led by the 'chicken littles' of world, despite the crippling effects to the economy of the US and Idaho?
What? You tell me he no longer agrees with his earlier position?
Really? You mean he revoked his Executive Order 2007-05 ?
No. I didn't think so.
I urge you to vote on May 25 for
Watch this informative video for, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story"
Can Idaho afford to re-elect a man who is led by the 'chicken littles' of world, despite the crippling effects to the economy of the US and Idaho?
What? You tell me he no longer agrees with his earlier position?
Really? You mean he revoked his Executive Order 2007-05 ?
No. I didn't think so.
I urge you to vote on May 25 for
Rex Rammell -- Idaho's next Governor!
Meeting Announcement: Tuesday, March 9th - 7 pm
Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 9 at 7 pm
Tentative location: Potlatch City Hall Conference Room
I will post a definite location on Monday once the venue is confirmed.
Bring a friend!
Items for discussion:
Okay! Let's get out there and...
Tentative location: Potlatch City Hall Conference Room
I will post a definite location on Monday once the venue is confirmed.
Bring a friend!
Items for discussion:
- Upcoming free dinners put on by Rex Rammell for Governor. Lots of ways people can help, get involved and get the word out. If you haven't yet RSVP'd and you'd like to hear what Rex has to say and how he will serve the people of Idaho, go to his facebook page soon and claim a seat. Dinners are filling up fast.
- Help for local District/county candidates. Please consider and pray about this! The time to commit is at hand. There are also many ways to support and assist those who have made the commitment to step up and run. They need our help...let's not leave them standing alone.
- Status of Idaho Initiatives. We will need an army of people to gather signatures in order to get the initiatives on the ballot this fall. Be thinking how you can assist the effort.
- Alternative meeting venues in other towns around the area. Tentative idea:
- Meeting in Potlatch one Tuesday each month with guest speakers
- Meeting on remaining Tuesdays of the month 'on location'.
- Need to a) determine interest/need b) identify free meeting sites, and c) find volunteers to handle prep/lock-up details for each venue
Okay! Let's get out there and...
light some fires!
Must See TV
Sheriff Mack tells it like it is:
What do we do about it?
Well, for starters, we need to Elect Rex Rammell for Idaho's next Governor!
What do we do about it?
Well, for starters, we need to Elect Rex Rammell for Idaho's next Governor!
Article from the Outdoorsman
This was forwarded by Keith Lunders, who wrote the following note:
For those following the articles and debate about the newly introduced tapeworm disease this information might be enlightening, even if, or especially because, it exposes the deliberate deceit of a once trusted government agency (F&G) that instead of minimizing the impact of this plague should be enraged about and demanding remedial action from those responsible for the introduction of this ecological disaster into our living space. NO ONE IS IMMUNE FROM IT! SPREAD THE WORD - WHETHER OR NOT YOU HUNT OR GO TO THE WOODS, YOU WILL SOMEDAY BE EXPOSED, AND MOST LIKELY ALREADY HAVE BEEN. AS THE ARTICLE POINTS OUT, WOLF ERADICATION IS THE ONLY EFFECTIVE CONTROL.
From personal observation and accounts of wolf encounters from other area residents I believe it's safe to say that there isn't one resident of north central Idaho who hasn't had wolves in their backyard, whether they know it or not. Sightings have been reported to me around or in nearly every town in the region with the exception of Lewiston, and there are reportedly at least 3 known packs in Nez Perce Co. It's not rocket science that until wolves wear diapers or become box trained, they will leave their infected calling cards wherever they visit in the form of "scat". They are literally spreading this infestation door to door throughout the Northwest while our governor and the state Fish and Game Department minimize the real impact it'll have on our lives. They deserve neither our votes nor our support in the form of license/tag fees. Think about it.
Keith Lunders
Please click here to read the excellent article recommended so highly by Keith and many others.
And don't forget, subscriptions to The Outdoorsman ($25 donation) help to support this important work to keep Idahoans informed.
And don't forget, subscriptions to The Outdoorsman ($25 donation) help to support this important work to keep Idahoans informed.
More on the Idaho wolf issue
Many folks have been reading and studying the Idaho wolf issue. Concerns are exploding around the state over the impact of wolves on Idaho's wildlife, livestock and citizens.
The following letters and articles are excellent materials to pass along to those who desire more info.
By R. Keith Lunders - Elk River
Okay - I'll plug away! Please support the folks, in this case George Dovel, who are working tirelessly to shine a light on what is going on in our state. Send your $25 donation, along with your name and mailing address and start receiving The Outdoorsman in your mailbox:
The following letters and articles are excellent materials to pass along to those who desire more info.
By R. Keith Lunders - Elk River
2/4/10 So what’s the solution?
Now that the general public is becoming enlightened about the delights of hosting tapeworm-packing Canadian wolves, people are asking what can be done to alleviate this unparalleled man-made ecological disaster. Please consider the following.
Pressure city, county, and state officials to file lawsuits against individuals like Ed Bangs and his employer, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, for damages that are escalating daily. Bangs’ awareness of the dangers Canadian wolf transplantation posed to the Northwest’s ecosystem is well documented, thereby proving he’s intentionally stupid. This is really important because intentional personal stupidity establishes personal liability, while government-sanctioned stupidity is protected by Congress.
Hire a hungry lawyer, sue the shorts off everyone responsible for this ecological catastrophe.
Establish a no holds barred bounty of $500.00 per wolf – stimulate the economy by employing thousands of laid off loggers with empty pockets, empty freezers, empty pantries, and hungry kids.
Let the US Fish and Wildlife Service dispose of wolf carcasses – this was their bright idea. Let Fish and Game help – there’s nothing else left to manage anyway.
Be aware that deer, elk, moose, rabbits, grouse, bear, cougar, etc., and domestic animals are being infected, maimed, mangled, disemboweled, and eaten alive by wolves 24/7.
Be warned that infected wolf “scat” is being deposited where Fifi and Rover can sniff and roll in it, thereby exposing your entire household to potentially deadly non-native tapeworms.
Avoid wolf poop, someday it’ll contain human body parts.
Support Rammell – a governor who’ll tell F&W to go manage skunk cabbage.
Keith Lunders
Elk River, Idaho 83827
Note from Keith: George Dovel, publisher of The Outdoorsman is the man I believe most responsible for enlightening the rest of us [on the wolf issue]. A subscription is $25.00/year if you want to give him a well-deserved plug.
Okay - I'll plug away! Please support the folks, in this case George Dovel, who are working tirelessly to shine a light on what is going on in our state. Send your $25 donation, along with your name and mailing address and start receiving The Outdoorsman in your mailbox:
The Outdoorsman
P.O. Box 155
Horseshoe Bend, ID 83629
excellent letter by R. Keith Lunders
This letter to the editor was published in the Lewiston Morning Tribute on 1/27/2010.
I will try to get future letters up in a more timely fashion.
Enjoy! And be on the look-out -- Keith's letters appear approximately every two weeks,. He has been a faithful advocate for the people of Idaho for many years on a variety of issues that impact our lives.
Published 1/27/2010
I will try to get future letters up in a more timely fashion.
Enjoy! And be on the look-out -- Keith's letters appear approximately every two weeks,. He has been a faithful advocate for the people of Idaho for many years on a variety of issues that impact our lives.
Published 1/27/2010
01/20/10 What nonsense!
Anyone who read the double speak (Trib-Outdoor 1/14) about the species of tapeworm newly introduced into the Northwest in the guts of transplanted (NOT “reintroduced”) Canadian wolves needs to check out the Outdoorsman article at to really appreciate the plague that’s been unleashed on a multi-state ecosystem. Unlike the mindless blather published by the Trib, the Outdoorsman documents that this life-changing nightmare can dramatically impact human lives with the need for expensive drugs, surgeries, autopsies, and funerals. Contrary to the nonchalant attitude of Fish and Game spokesmen quoted by the Trib, this medical issue is worse than a prom night pimple.
Records prove that the perpetrators knew in advance that transplantation of infected Canadian wolves would unquestionably include co-introduction of unwanted hitchhikers. Ed Bangs, the so called biologist in charge of introduction, not only had first-hand knowledge of the problem, but was furnished documentation of parasite infestations common to wolves by several experts with several decades of wolf-specific research. He chose to ignore them.
Since it would be unthinkable to introduce an alien species into any ecosystem without extensive peer review it’s simply impossible to believe there’s anything accidental about this wolf fiasco with it’s astronomical past, present, and future economic impact on the entire Pacific Northwest. Neither should there be anything accidental about state-initiated class-action lawsuits against Mr. Bangs and the US Fish and Wildlife Service demanding eradication of Canadian wolves, plus hundreds of millions in compensation.
PS Support Rammell for governor – the only candidate pledged to remove wolves.
Keith Lunders
Elk River, Idaho 83827
208-826-3219Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Which is it, Governor Otter?
In May of 2007, Idaho Governor Butch Otter signed Executive Order No. 2007-05,
Fast forward to 2010. Otter is up for re-election, and is now against Cap and Trade and the greenhouse gas measures proposed in the Federal legislation.
CORRECTION: Gov. Otter's press release opposing Cap and Trade legislation was dated 07/07/09. Click here to read what he had to say 2+ years after issuing his Exec. Order 2007-05.
I think he 'Otter' make up his mind!
If he is against Cap and Trade, he could best demonstrate it by rescinding his 2007-05 Executive Order instead of turning the air blue with his empty campaign rhetoric. And he should apologize to Idahoans for jumping on the junk science bandwagon and crying wolf over the debunked AGW theory.
But I'm not holding my breathe for either to happen.
The best solution?
Vote Rex Rammell for Governor!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Great New Resource!
For Immediate Release: Contact: Erik Makrush gives users instant access to concise, plain language and objective descriptions of every single bill, amendment, and vote that takes place in the Idaho legislature. Unlike any other bill tracking utility,, is unique because all legislative actions are described - not just those selected by a particular interest group. The website features:
January 26, 2010 (208) 949-6772
Unique Website Gives Complete, Concise Idaho Legislative Information for Free
The Idaho Freedom Foundation has announced the launch of a free, non-partisan legislative tracking website that will provide a quick reference on all introduced legislation and legislative voting gives users instant access to concise, plain language and objective descriptions of every single bill, amendment, and vote that takes place in the Idaho legislature. Unlike any other bill tracking utility,, is unique because all legislative actions are described - not just those selected by a particular interest group. The website features:
- Concise, plain-language, objective and accurate descriptions of every bill, amendment, roll call vote and voice vote.
- Tracking for all the votes of a particular legislator, or search by bill number, category or keyword.
- Ability to view all the bills and amendments introduced by a particular legislator.
- Automatically e-mail legislators or others about a bill.
- Ability to follow action in any one or more of 50 different categories of legislation (such as Education or Land Use or Taxes).
- Ability to sign up for e-mail notifications of action on any bill or subject area of interest, including new bill introductions.
Wayne Hoffman, Idaho Freedom Foundation Executive Director, said, " is another tool intended to increase accountability and transparency from in state government. We believe it will prove to be a valuable resource for all Idahoans, policymakers and the media." is the latest transparency and accountability resource presented by the Idaho Freedom Foundation. Other products of the Idaho Freedom Foundation include and
Upcoming meeting
Our next meeting:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
7 pm at the Potlatch Library
Our guest speaker is John Lafer, a Pullman resident who will soon to be joining the Potlatch community. John is a strong advocate for liberty and constitutional government and has been very involved with grass roots campaigning in the recent past. Since I met John nearly a year ago, I have been struck by his calm approach and his ability to engage people in thoughtful discussions. He recently gave a power point presentation to a liberty group in Moscow/Pullman and has graciously agreed to come speak to us also.
We've all had the experience of wanting to inform someone about an issue and running head-on into that person's partisan barriers. In our polarized society, it is often hard to get past the 'talking points' that both sides toss out. I anticipate learning some practical techniques for more effective communication with those who don't necessarily share my views.
Come on down and join us...and bring a friend!
And mark February 23 on your calendar for the next meeting. ( Topic or speaker to be announced)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
7 pm at the Potlatch Library
Our guest speaker is John Lafer, a Pullman resident who will soon to be joining the Potlatch community. John is a strong advocate for liberty and constitutional government and has been very involved with grass roots campaigning in the recent past. Since I met John nearly a year ago, I have been struck by his calm approach and his ability to engage people in thoughtful discussions. He recently gave a power point presentation to a liberty group in Moscow/Pullman and has graciously agreed to come speak to us also.
We've all had the experience of wanting to inform someone about an issue and running head-on into that person's partisan barriers. In our polarized society, it is often hard to get past the 'talking points' that both sides toss out. I anticipate learning some practical techniques for more effective communication with those who don't necessarily share my views.
Come on down and join us...and bring a friend!
And mark February 23 on your calendar for the next meeting. ( Topic or speaker to be announced)
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