Saturday, March 6, 2010

Is CO2 by humans REALLY the problem?

Remember how our current governor, Butch Otter, punched the panic button in May 2007 to declare 'greenhouse gases' from humans to be such a threat to the world?

Watch this informative video for, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story"

Can Idaho afford to re-elect a man who is led by the 'chicken littles' of world, despite the crippling effects to the economy of the US and Idaho?

What? You tell me he no longer agrees with his earlier position?

Really? You mean he revoked his Executive Order 2007-05 ?

No. I didn't think so.

I urge you to vote on May 25 for  
Rex Rammell -- Idaho's next Governor!

Meeting Announcement: Tuesday, March 9th - 7 pm

Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 9 at 7 pm
Tentative location:  Potlatch City Hall Conference Room
I will post a definite location on Monday once the venue is confirmed.

Bring a friend!

Items for discussion:

  • Upcoming free dinners put on by Rex Rammell for Governor.  Lots of ways people can help, get involved and get the word out.  If you haven't yet RSVP'd and you'd like to hear what Rex has to say and how he will serve the people of Idaho, go to his facebook page soon and claim a seat.  Dinners are filling up fast. 

  • Help for local District/county candidates.  Please consider and pray about this!  The time to commit is at hand.  There are also many ways to support and assist those who have made the commitment to step up and run.  They need our help...let's not leave them standing alone.

  • Status of Idaho Initiatives.  We will need an army of people to gather signatures in order to get the initiatives on the ballot this fall. Be thinking how you can assist the effort.

  • Alternative meeting venues in other towns around the area.  Tentative idea:
  •     Meeting in Potlatch one Tuesday each month with guest speakers
  •     Meeting on remaining Tuesdays of the month 'on location'.
  •     Need to a) determine interest/need  b) identify free meeting sites, and c) find volunteers to handle prep/lock-up details for each venue 
Give the idea some consideration and we'll brainstorm on Tuesday.

Okay!  Let's get out there and...
light some fires!

Must See TV

Sheriff Mack tells it like it is:

What do we do about it?

Well, for starters, we need to Elect Rex Rammell for Idaho's next Governor!

Article from the Outdoorsman

This was forwarded by Keith Lunders, who wrote the following note:

For those following the articles and debate about the newly introduced tapeworm disease this information might be enlightening, even if, or especially because, it exposes the deliberate deceit of a once trusted government agency (F&G) that instead of minimizing the impact of this plague should be enraged about and demanding remedial action from those responsible for the introduction of this ecological disaster into our living space.  NO ONE IS IMMUNE FROM IT!  SPREAD THE WORD - WHETHER OR NOT YOU HUNT OR GO TO THE WOODS, YOU WILL SOMEDAY BE EXPOSED, AND MOST LIKELY ALREADY HAVE BEEN.  AS THE ARTICLE POINTS OUT, WOLF ERADICATION IS THE ONLY EFFECTIVE CONTROL.  
     From personal observation and accounts of wolf encounters from other area residents I believe it's safe to say that there isn't one resident of north central Idaho who hasn't had wolves in their backyard, whether they know it or not.  Sightings have been reported to me around or in nearly every town in the region with the exception of Lewiston, and there are reportedly at least 3 known packs in Nez Perce Co.  It's not rocket science that until wolves wear diapers or become box trained, they will leave their infected calling cards wherever they visit in the form of "scat".  They are literally spreading this infestation door to door throughout the Northwest while our governor and the state Fish and Game Department minimize the real impact it'll have on our lives.  They deserve neither our votes nor our support in the form of license/tag fees.  Think about it.      

Keith Lunders

Please click here to read the excellent article recommended so highly by Keith and many others.

And don't forget, subscriptions to The Outdoorsman ($25 donation) help to support this important work to keep Idahoans informed.

More on the Idaho wolf issue

Many folks have been reading and studying the Idaho wolf issue.  Concerns are exploding around the state over the impact of wolves on Idaho's wildlife, livestock and citizens.

The following letters and articles are excellent materials to pass along to those who desire more info.
By R. Keith Lunders - Elk River
2/4/10                            So what’s the solution?

Now that the general public is becoming enlightened about the delights of hosting tapeworm-packing Canadian wolves, people are asking what can be done to alleviate this unparalleled man-made ecological disaster.  Please consider the following.

Pressure city, county, and state officials to file lawsuits against individuals like Ed Bangs and his employer, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, for damages that are escalating daily.  Bangs’ awareness of the dangers Canadian wolf transplantation posed to the Northwest’s ecosystem is well documented, thereby proving he’s intentionally stupid.  This is really important because intentional personal stupidity establishes personal liability, while government-sanctioned stupidity is protected by Congress. 

Hire a hungry lawyer, sue the shorts off everyone responsible for this ecological catastrophe. 

Establish a no holds barred bounty of $500.00 per wolf – stimulate the economy by employing thousands of laid off loggers with empty pockets, empty freezers, empty pantries, and hungry kids.  

Let the US Fish and Wildlife Service dispose of wolf carcasses – this was their bright idea.  Let Fish and Game help – there’s nothing else left to manage anyway.

Be aware that deer, elk, moose, rabbits, grouse, bear, cougar, etc., and domestic animals are being infected, maimed, mangled, disemboweled, and eaten alive by wolves 24/7. 

Be warned that infected wolf “scat” is being deposited where Fifi and Rover can sniff and roll in it, thereby exposing your entire household to potentially deadly non-native tapeworms. 

Avoid wolf poop, someday it’ll contain human body parts.

Support Rammell – a governor who’ll tell F&W to go manage skunk cabbage.

Keith Lunders
Elk River, Idaho 83827

Note from Keith:  George Dovel, publisher of The Outdoorsman is the man I believe most responsible for enlightening the rest of us [on the wolf issue].  A subscription is $25.00/year if you want to give him a well-deserved plug.  

Okay - I'll plug away!  Please support the folks, in this case George Dovel, who are working tirelessly to shine a light on what is going on in our state.  Send your $25 donation, along with your name and mailing address and start receiving The Outdoorsman in your mailbox: 
The Outdoorsman
P.O. Box 155
Horseshoe Bend, ID 83629

excellent letter by R. Keith Lunders

This letter to the editor was published in the Lewiston Morning Tribute on 1/27/2010.
I will try to get future letters up in a more timely fashion.

Enjoy!  And be on the look-out -- Keith's letters appear approximately every two weeks,.  He has been a faithful advocate for the people of Idaho for many years on a variety of issues that impact our lives.
Published 1/27/2010
01/20/10                             What nonsense!
Anyone who read the double speak (Trib-Outdoor 1/14) about the species of tapeworm newly introduced into the Northwest in the guts of transplanted (NOT “reintroduced”) Canadian wolves needs to check out the Outdoorsman article at to really appreciate the plague that’s been unleashed on a multi-state ecosystem.  Unlike the mindless blather published by the Trib, the Outdoorsman documents that this life-changing nightmare can dramatically impact human lives with the need for expensive drugs, surgeries, autopsies, and funerals.  Contrary to the nonchalant attitude of Fish and Game spokesmen quoted by the Trib, this medical issue is worse than a prom night pimple. 

Records prove that the perpetrators knew in advance that transplantation of infected Canadian wolves would unquestionably include co-introduction of unwanted hitchhikers.  Ed Bangs, the so called biologist in charge of introduction, not only had first-hand knowledge of the problem, but was furnished documentation of parasite infestations common to wolves by several experts with several decades of wolf-specific research.  He chose to ignore them.    

Since it would be unthinkable to introduce an alien species into any ecosystem without extensive peer review it’s simply impossible to believe there’s anything accidental about this wolf fiasco with it’s astronomical past, present, and future economic impact on the entire Pacific Northwest.  Neither should there be anything accidental about state-initiated class-action lawsuits against Mr. Bangs and the US Fish and Wildlife Service demanding eradication of Canadian wolves, plus hundreds of millions in compensation.

PS Support Rammell for governor – the only candidate pledged to remove wolves.

Keith Lunders
Elk River, Idaho 83827
Keith and Marge Lunders